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Dallas Cowboys Stadium

Inside AT&T Stadium: A World of Facts, Figures, and Art

A Glimpse into the Home of the Dallas Cowboys

A Retractable-Roof Wonder

Nestled in the heart of Arlington, Texas, AT&T Stadium stands as a towering beacon of sports and entertainment. This retractable-roof stadium is not just the home of the legendary Dallas Cowboys; it's a world of its own, boasting an array of facts, figures, and artistic treasures that leave visitors in awe.

A Legacy Unrivaled

Before AT&T Stadium, there was Texas Stadium, the iconic home of the Cowboys from 1971 to 2008. During those 38 seasons, the Cowboys held the stadium close to their hearts, amassing an impressive record of 213 wins in 313 games played within its confines.

More Than a Stadium

Beyond its gridiron glory, AT&T Stadium is a true architectural marvel. It's the largest domed structure in the world, a testament to human ingenuity and engineering prowess. But that's not all. The stadium also houses an extensive art collection, showcasing works from renowned artists and paying homage to the legacy of the Dallas Cowboys.
